Instrument Repair
Investing in a Sustainable Future for Haitian Music Schools: Expanding Instrument Repair Training
BLUME Haiti's instrument repair workshops are more than just fixes – they're keys to long-term sustainability for music schools across the country. By training local technicians and luthiers, we ensure schools have access to the crucial skills to maintain their instruments, keeping music alive for countless children. As of late 2023, nearly 200 individuals have gained basic repair skills for both strings and band instruments.
In partnership with Luthiers sans Frontières (LSF, UK branch), MusicFund (Belgium), the Rotary Club of Naperville, and others, we invest in both string and band instrument repair training. We hope that in 2024 we will be able to host a piano repair technician as well, rounding out our offerings in this area.
The very first LSF mission to Haiti was in 2008 and saw a team of three luthiers, including the then vice-principal of the famed Newark School of Violin Making and two of that school’s advanced students, come to Haiti for a total of three weeks. This initial success sparked eight more missions, including four consecutive years of intensive training and support.
In 2016 part of the teaching staff included “Tchoupy, a Haitian luthier, trained not only through the LSF missions but who, thanks to MusicFund, also had the opportunity to spend several months in Cremona, the cradle of violin making. Tchoupy is now a fully professional luthier himself and has invested a great deal of time and energy in teaching others the craft of lutherie. Little by little, we are now seeing a group of committed professionals come into being across Haiti. Remarkably, Haiti is now home to four highly professional luthiers!
Now, we are committed to bringing the same level of support to band instrument repair technicians. Thanks to our longstanding partnership with MusicFund, the Rotary Club of Naperville, and others, we have also invested a great deal in the area of band instrument repair. We have launched a series of band instrument repairs seminars with Haitian instructor, Herold Jean Pierre. Initially a student and teacher at the CEMUCHCA Institute of Music in Cap Haitian, Herold is now based in the capital of Port-au-Prince. Thanks to MusicFund, Herold was able to spend several months in France and Belgium apprenticing to several band instrument repair technicians. Through the combined efforts of many, he has a fairly well-equipped workshop and has shown himself to be a very organized, thorough teacher.
A born teacher, Herold, along with his European mentors, developed a three-module training series covering the fundamentals of band instrument repair. This series will be offered across all Haitian departments, empowering music programs to train local repair technicians. We'll continue to provide needed tools and supplies as funding allows.
While the pandemic temporarily delayed our plans for broader instrument repair seminars, the vision remains. Our ultimate goal: a national vocational school dedicated to instrument repair. The talent and passion exist in Haiti, and we've even secured land near Cap Haitian. Now, we just need financial support to make this dream a reality.